
wiemspro certification

We show you how! Acquire all the EMS knowledge and skills you need with Wiemspro online training and become a Wiemspro Certified EMS Fitness Trainer.

We provide complete training in how to get the most out of the entire integrated Wiemspro system. You will learn and understand all the theoretical knowledge for effective application of EMS and also complement and innovate your workouts.

  • Our technical department includes numerous certified professionals, including graduates, and PhDs.
  • Our trainers have more than 12 years of experience providing personal training services and the use of muscle electrostimulation.
  • We have the support and collaboration of several universities worldwide, achieving several research and training agreements.
  • Our online training platform enables us to educate and certify coaches anywhere in the world.

Wiemspro offers you two levels of training, allowing you to acquire all the knowledge necessary to specialize in EMS and deliver improved results to your clients.

Get certified in EMS training!


wiemspro suits

Wiemspro has revolutionized the EMS suit by integrating all cables to offer maximum freedom of movement. During the development process, only the best and most advanced materials were selected to create totally innovative suits that are central to the Wiemspro System.

Designed to be the most flexible, versatile, comfortable suits in the world.


Feel the fabric adapt to your body.


Enjoy complete freedom of movement.


Adjust the electrodes for better results.


Maximum adaptation to the suit, allowing camouflage.


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wiemspro ems devices


Wiemspro designs and manufactures all devices using the latest techology for signal EMS generation, conditioning, and processing. Our multi-generator system allows us to create impulses in a controlled and safe way using all types of waves, with higher performance and lower energy consumption.


Designed to give you maximum freedom to plan both indoor and outdoor training sessions and create effective and enjoyable new workout experiences for clients


Charge with any Mini USB connector for optimal convenience.  


Using Bluetooth Low Energy for low consumption, high performance for every training, and the most stable and fast between device and software control.


Provides maximum performance throughout any kind of training with up to 8 hours continuous use.


Unique to Wiemspro, configure all Wave parameters to customize each training, for up to 10 suits.


Automatic linking between device and application: Just turn on your device and train.


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business consulting

Because of our experiences on the EMS market, we offer also consulting for owners and fitness professionals. We deliver the know-how best practices from EMS directly to you. We offer business products and coaching services to entrepreneurial personal trainers. We have a revolutionary approach to resolving personal trainers business issues and implementing systems for sustainable success.

We offer:

  • Business Coaching Services
  • Business Coaching Products
  • Online and Email Information
  • Partner Solutions (corporate design, website design, client management software solutions)
  • Events

And much more!

wiemspro wefityou

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), also known as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or electromyostimulation, is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses. EMS has received an increasing amount of attention in the last few years for many reasons:

  • it can be utilized as a strength training tool for healthy subjects and athletes
  • it could be used as a rehabilitation and preventive tool for partially or totally immobilized patients
  • it could be utilized as a testing tool for evaluating the neural and/or muscular function in vivo
  • it could be used as a post-exercise recovery tool for athletes.

The impulses are generated by a device and are delivered through electrodes on the skin near to the muscles being stimulated. The electrodes are generally pads that adhere to the skin. The impulses mimic the action potential that comes from the central nervous system, causing the muscles to contract. The use of EMS has been cited by sports scientists as a complementary technique for sports training, and published research is available on the results obtained.

Electro-Muscular Stimulation, or EMS, is the stimulation of muscles by passing harmless electrical impulses through them. The impulses are generated by a compact device and then transmitted to the desired muscle groups via carefully located electrodes.
By mimicking the signals sent via the central nervous system, EMS impulses cause muscle contraction. When combined with exercise, EMS creates up 40% more force.


  • Successfully used in physical training for decades.
  • Effective and convenient targeting of individual or multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
  • Complements any existing land-based training routine - and enhances the results.
  • Numerous scientific studies reveal EMS to be highly effective.


In medicine, EMS is used for rehabilitation purposes, for instance in physical therapy in the prevention of disuse muscle atrophy which can occur for example after musculoskeletal injuries, such as damage to bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. This is distinct from transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), in which an electric current is used for pain therapy. In EMS training few muscular groups are targeted at the same time, for specific training goals.

Weight loss

EMS devices cause a calorie burning that is marginal at best: calories are burnt in significant amount only when most of the body is involved in physical exercise: several muscles, the heart and the respiratory system are all engaged at once. However, some authors imply that EMS can lead to exercise, since a person toning his/her muscles with electrical stimulation is more likely afterwards to participate in sporting activities as the body is ready, fit, willing and able to take on physical activity.


"Strength training by NMES does promote neural and muscular adaptations that are complementary to the well-known effects of voluntary resistance training". This statement is part of the editorial summary of a 2010 world congress of researchers on the subject. Additional studies on practical applications, which came after that congress, pointed out important factors that make the difference between effective and ineffective EMS. This in retrospect explains why in the past some researchers and practitioners obtained results that others could not reproduce. Also, as published by reputable universities, EMS causes adaptation, i.e. training, of muscle fibers. Because of the characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers, different types of fibers can be activated to differing degrees by different types of EMS, and the modifications induced depend on the pattern of EMS activity. These patterns, referred to as protocols or programs, will cause a different response from contraction of different fiber types. Some programs will improve fatigue resistance, i.e. endurance, others will increase force production.


Luigi Galvani (1761) provided the first scientific evidence that current can activate muscle. During the 19th and 20th centuries, researchers studied and documented the exact electrical properties that generate muscle movement. It was discovered that the body functions induced by electrical stimulation caused long-term changes in the muscles. In the 1960s, Soviet sport scientists applied EMS in the training of elite athletes, claiming 40% force gains. In the 1970s, these studies were shared during conferences with the Western sport establishments. However, results were conflicting, perhaps because the mechanisms in which EMS acted were poorly understood. Recent medical physiology research pinpointed the mechanisms by which electrical stimulation causes adaptation of cells of muscles, blood vessels and nerves.